Do You Feel So Nervous Before a Game That You Can't Perform? So Anxious About Making Mistakes?

Or Are You a Parent Wondering How to Best Support Your Child so They Can Reach Their Biggest Dreams as an Athlete?

Check out these FREE PDFs we offer that will allow athletes to understand and resolve these mental barriers they may be facing and inform parents on how to support their child in a healthy way!

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Do You Want To Become Mentally Strong and Release Those Feelings of Anxiety and Fear When Performing?

Check out the MasterClass we offer for only $9.99 that goes in-depth about how you can train mentally and achieve your dreams by consistently performing at your best.

Play Free, Play Fearless 🧠 💪

Our slogan above is the place where we want our athletes to reach.

When you play free and fearless, you are not only playing to your highest potential,

but you are also having fun!

Our Services

Free PDFs

We offer FREE PDFs for both athletes and parents to help recognize and overcome any mental barriers athletes may be experiencing!

$9.99 MasterClass

Explore our whole MasterClass for only $9.99 that dives into topics like confidence, self-doubt, and more! Hop on this amazing deal today!

1-on-1 Coaching

We offer coaching for all athletes. Get in contact with us today to begin your mental coaching and become a mentally unstoppable athlete!

Team Coaching

We offer mental coaching for teams and groups. Start today and become cohesive and unified units, even in challenging times!

Our Mission

At Optimal Performance Solutions, we are passionate about providing athletes the support needed to reach their highest potential. We offer support to athletes of all levels, empowering them to overcome mental barriers, enhance focus and motivation, and achieve peak performance when it matters most.

Alex Guglielmo - Founder of Optimal Performance Solutions

READY TO Dive into your mental training journey?

We Have 3 Monthly Membership Programs Dropping Soon!

Make sure you stay up to date and be ready for the release of our 3 effective, affordable, and transformative membership programs!

Topic Discussions

Take a look at some topics we include in our $9.99 MasterClass!

Intro To the mental side of the game

Mental training is the practice that explores the intricate relationship between the mind and athletic performance. It delves into the psychological factors that influence an athlete's behavior, emotions, and mindset before, during, and after competition.

Athlete Relationships

An athlete's relationship with their coach, parents, and teammates can be very impactful on one's performance. Healthy relationships can increase enjoyment, leading to more success through a heightened mind-body connection.

Difficult Team Environments

When you have an unsupportive coach or bad teammates, it is very difficult to perform at your best. Through different mental techniques, there are ways to combat this negativity to ensure you perform well while also maintaining your love for the game.

Disappointments and Rejections

Sports come with many tough moments, such as getting injured, making a costly mistake in a game, or getting cut from a team. To avoid having these moments impact our future performances, we need to train our minds to accept these hardships but move on and strive to become even better.

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Always Remember: Play Free, Play Fearless 🧠 💪